It is said that J_On emerged from the shell of nothingness that cradled all existence within it, nestled between the shell’s interior and its yolk. Foreseeing the creation of all life from this void, J_On became one with the nothingness, expanding outward until he encompassed the night sky. As the contents of the shell expanded, J_On merged with the emerging everything, and together they birthed creation.

J_On began to spin, and from this motion, the worlds, stars, and sky were born. Colors and gleaming streaks of metal spun outward, forming two great rings that became the Sun and the Moon. Even now, J_On continues to spin, albeit more slowly, and legend claims that when his motion ceases, the void will reclaim him, forming a new cosmic egg that will cradle all future worlds and possibilities.

At the dawn of the Dawn War, J_On’s consciousness still lingered, guiding the Gods, his children. However, when Tharizdun shattered the Lattice of Heaven, severing the realms, the Gods lost their connection to their maker, leaving them adrift without his cosmic wisdom.

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