Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Domain: Death, Winter

Sindatari, the former Arch-Angel of Death, served as Nerull’s right hand and played a pivotal role in aiding Vecna in the creation of Necromancy, earning him banishment by the Gods. Cast into servitude under the Raven Queen, he was forced to endure eternity as her familiar, polymorphed into a raven, a punishment that infuriated an angel of his former glory. For millennia, Sindatari plotted her downfall, and when his brother Asmodeus finally deposed her, Sindatari ascended as the new Lord of Death. Ironically, he quickly came to despise the role, bound by the same cosmic laws he once sought to undermine. He commands his Ravenknights to do the following:

  • The unworthy have no place in the cycle. Do not save them; their lives are forfeit to the cold justice of death.
  • Life’s end is inevitable and must not be resisted. Harden your heart, for pity has no place in the execution of my will.
  • Let no mortal cross the threshold of death and return. Seal the way, and remind the living that no force can defy the inevitability of the end.

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