Long ago, according to legend, Varus was the first man, created by the world itself. No deity had a hand in his creation, because no deity could have conceived such a perfect creature. Members of the other races trembled to see him, for they knew that he was their superior in every way. His grace surpassed that of the Elves, his sturdiness astounded the Dwarves, his crafts were the awe of Gnomes and Halflings everywhere.
As long as Varus was alone, the other races allowed him to live, secure in the knowledge that he could not reproduce. But Varus was not content. He spoke with the world and begged for a mate — and it created his wife, Astra. She was as perfect a woman as Varus was a man, and the other races trembled yet again, fearing that this perfect couple would spawn a new race that would overshadow them all. To prevent this, the leaders of each race gathered in secret and plotted Varus’ demise. They brewed a poison and mixed it in fine wine, which they gave to him as a wedding present.
Varus knew that the others plotted his death, but he could not honorably refuse the gift. He toasted their health, and drank. The poison worked swiftly, but as Varus felt his life departing the world took pity upon him and elevated him to godhood. Now Varus looked down upon the world, and he wiped away the tears of his wife Astra. “Do not weep for me, beloved,” he consoled her, “for I am now a god, and set to watch over our people. You will bear me children — they already lie in your womb — and these will be the start of our race. All the other races will quake in fear, knowing that they cannot match us.”
This is the story told in the Book of Varus , the holy scripture of his church. Varus is called “the true Human god” and is considered the only god who places Humans before all others. He cares nothing for the other races, only for Humanity, and encourages his followers to prove themselves better than any nonhuman. Unfortunately, he also fosters the belief that Humans deserve to rule the world, treating other races as servants. His priests teach that other races are inferior, in need of Human guidance — and Human masters.
The clerics of Varus encourage conquest and slavery. The worst sin a Human can commit, according to the Church of Varus , is to mate with a non-Human and produce a child. This child is a taint on the race and must be removed.
Varus appears as an incredibly handsome Human male in his prime, suffused with a golden glow. Varus encourages his followers and priests to become as perfect as possible, and to dominate other races.
Legend holds that during the Dawn War, the Compact of Heaven sent Varus, the perfect being, to single-handedly kill Tharizdun, the God of Madness. To the shock of all, Varus failed—and he never returned.